Great challenges require great minds

We focus on rising stars with a global perspective, a deep interest in financial technology and an appetite for growth.

Why MiQo?

Passion is rewarded

We're not just building a new gadget or solving distant futures - we're designing financial services that impact real people, communities and economies.

Your work matters

Our teams are lean and agile, which means that each person not only contributes but can leave a lasting mark on the product, the company and the lives of our global customers.

Challenges await you

The work we do at MiQo isn't superficial or easy to talk about - it's a real utility for people and it comes with difficult challenges. That's why we need the best minds at the forefront of our mission.

More than just a salary

While we believe that meaningful work is the best reward, we also like to incentivize our employees with time off, equity, etc.

Get out of your bubble

We don't solve problems for people, we solve problems with people. As a member of MiQo, you'll work in exciting places and meet great people.

Culture at MiQo

We are engineers, data science geeks, designers, marketers, human operations professionals, and finance geeks, all passionate about extending financial freedom to billions of underserved people around the world.

At MiQo, we are

Passionate about our customers

We empower and support our clients to help them achieve their dreams

Fearless against obstacles.

We challenge the status quo and are committed to solving problems

Driven by data

We seek to understand, remain open and make decisions using data.

Our guiding principles

Believe in people

Understand and dismantle prejudice. Stand by your commitments; trust others' ability to stand by theirs.

Listen and learn

Make a point to engage with other perspectives. Find out why. Turn learning into action.

Proving potential by all means

Cultivate curiosity. Ask questions relentlessly and experiment thoughtfully. Make data-driven decisions.

Challenge our limits

Accept mistakes as learning opportunities. Change what doesn't work. Power through adversity.

What are you waiting for?

From opening new product lines to expanding into new markets, now is the time to help develop our product and bring our mission to life.